Cali or Crown, a Lunch Decision

Leo Pearson

California Burgers and Deli and Crown Burger are the two most popular burger places to go to during lunch for the students of West High. Students rave about these restaurants’ amazing burgers and fries, and all the great food these restaurants have to offer. This article describes everything about these restaurants from price, to accessibility, to which one is more liked by students.

First, I polled students at West High School and asked them which restaurant they like better. Of the students I collected data from, 28% said they like Crown Burger better and 72% said they liked Cali Burger better. Many of the students who liked CaliBurger better said they liked it better because it is closer and cheaper. Also, a very common theme was that people said they liked the fries at Cali better but the burgers at Crown better.

Next, I compared and contrasted factors determining which one might be liked more or which one might be visited more by the student body. These aspects are location and accessibility as well as menu price and size.

First, Location and accessibility. California Burgers and Deli, located at 306 N 300 W, is right across the street from West High School. Depending on which area of the school you are coming from, it is a 1-6 minute walk away from the school.. Crown Burger, located at 118 N 300 W, is southeast of the school. Located a little farther away, it takes about 4-8 minutes to walk to depending on what part of the building you are coming from. Overall, Cali Burger is slightly closer and thus more accessible.

Second, menu size and price. Cali Burger and Crown Burger both have large menus offering a variety of items. However, their menus vary in price and size. Overall, Cali Burger’s menu is cheaper than Crown Burger’s menu. Almost everything is at least a dollar more expensive on the Crown Burger menu than it is on the Cali Burger menu. Most sandwiches, corn dogs, and similar foods are about a dollar more expensive on Crown Burger’s menu, but the biggest difference is the burger prices. The Crown Burger, which is the signature burger at Crown Burger costs $7.99, whereas the California Burgers and Deli counterpart, the California Burger, costs only $5.20. However, Crown Burger’s menu does have more variety, as they offer around 100 items compared to Cali Burger’s 70 item menu.

Last, I tried both of the restaurant’s signature burgers, the Crown Burger and the California Burger, as well as rated the two restaurants’ service in my experience.

Crown Burger
California Burger